! This help is relative to the Version 1 of the Smart HUD. You can find the help about the Version 2 here : Smart HUD V2 Help >>>
Your Smart HUD is delivered within your GA.EG Mesh Head.
This is a very powerfull tool which allows you to deeply and easily configure your head according to your taste!
Find here all the information your need to know about it.
! This help is relative to the Version 1 of the Smart HUD. You can find the help about the Version 2 here : Smart HUD V2 Help >>>
Your Smart HUD is delivered within your GA.EG Mesh Head.
This is a very powerfull tool which allows you to deeply and easily configure your head according to your taste!
Find here all the information your need to know about it.
! This help is relative to the Version 1 of the Smart HUD. You can find the help about the Version 2 here : Smart HUD V2 Help >>>
Your Smart HUD is delivered within your GA.EG Mesh Head.
This is a very powerfull tool which allows you to deeply and easily configure your head according to your taste!
Find here all the information your need to know about it.
! This help is relative to the Version 1 of the Smart HUD. You can find the help about the Version 2 here : Smart HUD V2 Help >>>
Your Smart HUD is delivered within your GA.EG Mesh Head.
This is a very powerfull tool which allows you to deeply and easily configure your head according to your taste!
Find here all the information your need to know about it.
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! This help is relative to the Version 2 of the Smart HUD. You can find the help about the Version 1 here : >>> Smart HUD Version 1
Your Smart HUD is delivered within your GA.EG Bento Mesh Head.
This is a very powerfull tool which allows you to deeply and easily configure your head according to your taste!
Find here all the information your need to know about it.
Several buttons are available on top of your HUD:
Click the HELP button (?) to access to the help page.
The INFO button (i) gives you access to the information page.
Click on the MENU button (gear) to open the HUD main menu.
Click on the POSE button (silhouette) to put your avatar in Pose or to free it.
Click on the MINIMIZE button to minimize the HUD on screen.
The CLOSE button closes/detaches the HUD.
! You can also click the HUD title (GA.EG SMART HUD) to MINIMIZE it on screen.

On the left and right of the HUD, you can see several tabs. These tabs allow you to configure each layer of your head.

There is one tab for each layer of your head :
SKIN : Face, Ears and Neckblend
MOUTH : Mouth & Tongue
TEETH : Mesh Teeth
LASHES : Alpha Lashes
3D LASHES : Mesh Lashes
BROWS : Brows
BEARD : Beards (Lower Head Cosmetics)...
UPPER : Eyebags, Liners (Upper Head Cosmetics)...
LIPS : Lips Colors, Lipsticks...
EYELIDS : Eyeshadows, Liners...
HAIRBASE: Hairbases
TATTOO : Tattoos, Scars, Freckles, Beauty Marks...
When you click on one tab, the Smart HUD displays a page with all the information relative to the corresponding layer.
Each layer page are cut into the same 4 sections.

The top of the page displays the name of the current layer.
> On the left the SHOW / HIDE buttons allow you to display or hide the layer.
(Please note that this button may not be available for some layers.)
> On the right, the MY UUID button allows you to enter the UUID of one of your full perm textures.

This PRESETS section displays the presets available for the current layer.
The presets are predefined textures and settings delivered within your head.
The presets are different for each layer :
skins types and tones for the SKIN layer,
teeth whiteness for the TEETH layer,
beard styles and colors for the BEARD layer,
lips colors for the LIPS layer
> Simply click on one of the presets buttons to apply it.


This SETTINGS section allows you to configure the settings currently applied on the selected layer.
(Please note that the available settings may change with the selected layer.)
You can here configure the following settings :
the COLOR,
the GLOW,
of the current layer.
> Simply click on the available buttons to change the current value of the setting.
! Keep the left mouse button down on the - + buttons to decrease or increase the setting repeatedly.
> Pick the color you want in this color chart and adjust its luminance with the gradient on the right. The color selected is directly applied on your head.
! Drag your mouse pointer on the chart to see the result on your head in live.
> Use the H, S and V arrows to change the hue, saturation and value of the color.
! Keep the left mouse button down on the arrows to decrease or increase the corresponding value repeatedly.
> Click the RGB Set button and enter in the blue text box the RGB value of the color of your choice.
> Click the RGB Get button and read in the chat the RGB value of the current color.
9 slots are available for you to save your preferred colors.
> Just click on one RECORD button (on the right) to save your color in the corresponding slot.
> Just click on one custom color button to apply the saved color.

The MY FAVORITES feature is really a very useful feature.
For each layer, you can so save your favorite textures and settings and re-apply them later very rapidly.
> Just click on one RECORD button (on the top) to save the current layer texture and settings in the corresponding slot.
> Just click on one custom preview button to apply the saved texture and settings on the current layer.

On the bottom left of the HUD, the MY LOOKS tab allows you to save your favorite and complete looks.
This feature looks like the MY FAVORITES one but save all the layers at once. It is extremely useful.

The MY LOOKS feature is a very useful feature.
You can so save your favorite complete looks and re-apply them later very rapidly.
> Just click on one RECORD button (on the top) to save your current complete head look in the corresponding slot.
> Just click on one preview button to apply the saved look on your head.
! When recording or applying a look, have a look into your chat to know the status of the process and please wait until its total completion.
On the bottom center of the HUD, the SHOW / HIDE tab allows you to rapidly show or hide each layer of your head.

To make it easier, this tab allows you to have all the layers SHOW / HIDE buttons at the same place.
You can so easily and rapidly show and hide any layer as you want.
> Just click on one SHOW / HIDE buttons to display or clear the corresponding layer.
> The SHOW ALL / HIDE ALL buttons allows you to show or hide all the layers at once.
Please note that the SKIN and MOUTH layers can not be hidden.
! To hide the TEETH, just detach them as they are separated from the head (same from the EARS).
On the bottom right of the HUD, the ADDONS tab allows you to access the ADDONS currently installed in your HUD.
The ADDONS feature is a very powerful and versatile tool which extends endlessly the customization possibilities of your head !
It allows you to apply various kinds of beards, hairbases, brows, tattoos, etc... from addons that you could purchase separately at GA.EG.
Once installed you can see and use your addons in your Smart HUD via the ADDONS tab.
! If you have no addon installed, the tab appears empty. But if you have already installed one or several addons, you see them in this tab.

To make it easier, the Addons are grouped by CATEGORIES : BEARDS, BROWS, COMBOS, EFFECTS, HAIRBASES, TATTOOS...
At the top, you can see the current category name and index and the total number of categories installed.
> Use the arrows to browse the different categories.
! The categories number and names depend on the addons installed in your Smart HUD.
Below is displayed the current addon, its name and index and the number of addons for this category.
> Just click on one preview button displayed to directly apply it to your head.
> Use the arrows to brows the different addons for the category.
Once you have selected one preset, the available settings are displayed:
and let you change the settings of the currently applied addon preset.
! The settings displayed depends on the addon preset selected.
The Addons are additional cosmetics packs that you can purchase separatly and then install in your Smart HUD.
When you purchase a GA.EG Addon for your head, your receive a product containing two objects:
One Installer
One Remover
The Installer allows you to install your Addon into your Smart HUD and of course, the Remover allows you to unsinstall it.
! Note that some addons are compatible with all the GA.EG head models and some are compatible only with one or several models. If you try to install an addon which is not compatible with your mesh head, the installation will not succeed and a warning message will inform you about the problem.
! Note that the DEMO versions of the Addons only work with the DEMO versions of the Mesh Heads !

To install your HUD:
Wear your head Smart HUD
Wear your Addon Installer
Click the INSTALLER button and wait for the installation completion
That's it!
If for any reason, you want to remove an addon from your Smart HUD, you can do it with the corresponding Addon Remover tool.
To remove an addon from your HUD:
Wear your head Smart HUD
Wear the Addon Remover
Click the REMOVER button and wait for the uninstallation completion
That's it!