! This help is relative to the Version 1 of the Smart HUD. You can find the help about the Version 2 here : Smart HUD V2 Help >>>
Your Smart HUD is delivered within your GA.EG Mesh Head.
This is a very powerfull tool which allows you to deeply and easily configure your head according to your taste!
Find here all the information your need to know about it.
! This help is relative to the Version 1 of the Smart HUD. You can find the help about the Version 2 here : Smart HUD V2 Help >>>
Your Smart HUD is delivered within your GA.EG Mesh Head.
This is a very powerfull tool which allows you to deeply and easily configure your head according to your taste!
Find here all the information your need to know about it.
! This help is relative to the Version 1 of the Smart HUD. You can find the help about the Version 2 here : Smart HUD V2 Help >>>
Your Smart HUD is delivered within your GA.EG Mesh Head.
This is a very powerfull tool which allows you to deeply and easily configure your head according to your taste!
Find here all the information your need to know about it.
! This help is relative to the #BoMGenX Version of the Smart HUD. You can find the help about the other Versions at the Help Center.
Your Smart HUD is delivered within your GA.EG #BoMGenX Bento Head.
This is a powerful tool which allows you to deeply and easily configure your head according to your taste!
Find here all the information your need to know about it.
Several buttons are available on top of your HUD:
Click the HELP button to go to this help page.
The WEB button gives you access to the GA.EG Web Site.
Click on the TP button to teleport to the GA.EG Main Store.
Click on the MARKET button to go to the GA.EG Marketplace.
Click on the CLOSE EYES button to close the eyes of your avatar. Click again to release the pose.
Click on the OPEN MOUTH button to open the mouth of your avatar. Click again to release the pose.
Click on the POSE button to put your avatar in Pose. Click again to release the pose.
Click on the MINIMIZE button to minimize the HUD on screen.
The CLOSE button closes/detaches the HUD.
! You can also click the GA.EG logo or the minimized icon of the HUD to MINIMIZE it on screen.
Once minimized, you can reopen the HUD by clicking its minimized icon:
On the left of the HUD, click on the different tabs to gain access to the features of the HUD:
Below, the MENU button allows you to open the HUD main menu:
The 4 first tabs correspond to the 4 mesh parts of your head :
FACE : Face & Ears
MOUTH : Mouth & Tongue
TEETH : Teeth
LASHES : Alpha Lashes
When you click on one tab, the Smart HUD displays a page with all the information relative to the corresponding part.
Each page are cut into 3 sections.
The top of the page displays the name of the current tab and several buttons which varies depending on the tab.
> The SHOW / HIDE buttons allow you to display or hide the corresponding elements.
If the button is green, this indicates that the element is visible.
> The EARS SHAPER button is specific to the FACE tab and opens the Ears Shaper menu.
This menu allows you to change the angle and tip shape of your ears.
The second part of the page proposes various PRESETS according to the current tab.
The presets are predefined textures and material settings delivered within your head.
The presets are different for each tab:
skin materials for the FACE tab,
mouth & tongue textures for the MOUTH tab,
teeth whiteness for the TEETH tab,
lashes styles for the LASHES tab.
> Simply click on one of the presets buttons to apply it.
! When a preset is selected, the CUSTOMIZATION settings in the section below are automatically updated accordingly.
The third part of the page offers you the possibility to change the settings of current part of your head:
the COLOR of the applied texture,
the TRANSPARENCY of the applied texture (if available),
the GLOW of the applied texture,
the BRIGHTNESS of the applied texture,
the GLOSSINESS (glossiness value) of the applied material,
the INTENSITY (glossiness intensity) of the applied material,
the HUE (glossiness color) of the applied material,
the ENVIRONMENT of the applied material.
! In order to fully benefit of the Advanced Materials effects, the 'Advanced Lighting Model' and 'Bump mapping and shiny' settings should be checked in the Graphics Preferences of your viewer.
! The effects of the material settings depend on the material textures (shininess/specular and bumpiness/normal) currently applied.
The FAVORITES tab allows you to save and apply your favorite configurations:
6 slots are available to save your favorite configurations:
Click on one RECORD button (on the top right of a slot) to save your current configuration in the corresponding slot.
Click on one preview button to apply the saved configuration on your head.
Click on one DELETE button to empty the corresponding slot.
! The BoM layers worn can not be saved this way (just the fact that you are using BoM is saved).
To save the BoM layers you are wearing, you can use the Outfits features of your SL viewer.
! When recording or applying a favorite configuration, have a look into your chat to know the status of the process and please wait until its total completion.