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What is BOM (in short) ?

â–¶ BOM means Bakes On Mesh.


On August 26, 2019 Linden Lab released a new feature called "BOM" :


In a few words, this is a new feature of SL allowing to use on the "new" mesh bodies, heads, etc. the "old" system layers (System Skins, Tattoos, Clothes) previously available only for the standard SL avatar.


So regarding your GA.EG Head, BOM is just a special texture (called BAKED_HEAD) to apply on your head. This texture reflects then all the system layers you are wearing (regarding the head part of course).


 ! In order to well see the BOM textures, you need a BOM COMPATIBLE viewer. 


 ! To be seen the Baked Textures should not be hidden by any Alpha ! Be sure to unwear any unneeded Alpha to see the BOM textures.



Do I need to update my GA.EG head ?

â–¶ Yes and no...


! All the GA.EG Heads (Classic or Bento) are already BOM Ready without any update.


If you have an old version, you can apply BOM on them with the FREE GA.EG BOM APPLIER available in the GA.EG store and on the MP :


! However it is recommended to update to the very last version of the head (Bento Heads V2.2 or higher).

(Redelivery Terminals are available at the GA.EG store.)


The new Smart HUD (since V2.2) includes notably a BOM button (in the SKIN tab) to directly apply BOM on your head. It also includes a box with the Head Skins available as BOM Layers.


! The #BoMGen Heads are BOM only and already integrate BOM by default (not need to apply it or update the head).



Do I need to update my viewer ?

â–¶ Yes


 ! In order to well see the BOM textures, you need a BOM COMPATIBLE viewer. 
The official SL viewer and more and more third party viewers have been updated for BOM. You need to check that the one you are using is BOM compatible.
If your viewer is not compatible with BOM you will see something like this (instead of the BOM textures) :



Is BOM mandatory ?

â–¶ No for the layered Bento Heads

â–¶ Yes for the #BoMgen Bento Heads


 ! You can still use your items as before ! You are not obliged to migrated to BOM at all.

But you need to update your viewer in order to well see BOM on the other avatars.


 ! Please note that the GA.EG Heads are still compatible with the GA.EG Addons and the Omega Appliers!

You can still use the cosmetics you already have as GA.EG Addons or Omega Appliers on your head even if you use a BOM skin on !


! The #BoMGen Heads are BOM only and need to be used with BOM cosmetics.



How do I apply BOM on my GA.EG head ?

â–¶ For the layered Bento Heads, with the BOM button (in the Smart HUD 2.2 and higher) or with the free GA.EG BOM APPLIER




! If you have a GA.EG Classic Head or an old version of a GA.EG Bento Head, you can apply BOM on your head with the FREE GA.EG BOM APPLIER available in the GA.EG store and on the MP :


To apply BOM on your GA.EG head :

  1. Be sure to use a viewer which is compatible with BOM

  2. In the Smart HUD, SKIN tab, click the BOM button or in the free GA.EG BOM applier, click the APPLY button

  3. Unwear any alpha hiding your head


Here is a useful video made by PocahontasKowalsky (TY♥) (It uses the GA.EG BOM Applier) :


 ! The BOM textures depend on what you are currently wearing as Skin, Tattoos and Universal wearables and will change accordingly.

Do I need other skins and cosmetics ?

â–¶ Yes and no...


It is important to notice that you can NOT use BOM for cosmetics ONLY. The first layer of BOM is the skin one. So first of all, you need a "BOM" skin (coming as System Layers) to use BOM on your mesh head and body.


 ! But you can still use the cosmetics you already have as GA.EG Addons or Omega Appliers on your GA.EG head even if you use a BOM skin on it!


 ! All the GA.EG Bento Heads have been upgraded to BOM and they now includes a pack of BOM Head Skins.

If you did not receive the BOM Head Skins pack, you can get it by redelivering the head box. Redelivery Terminals are available at the GA.EG store.


 ! The GA.EG Body Skins are now also available for BOM separately.

You can find them in GA.EG store or on the Marketplace.



What is BOM (in more details) ?

â–¶ BOM means Bakes On Mesh.


On August 26, 2019 Linden Lab released a new feature called "BOM" :


In a few words, this is a new feature of SL allowing to use on the "new" mesh bodies, heads, etc. the "old" system layers (System Skins, Tattoos, Clothes) previously available only for the standard SL avatar.


BOM allows to have access to the BAKED TEXTURES which were before only used by the SL Standard Avatar.

The "old" ones :







and some new ones :







These textures are called "BAKED" because they are "baked" by a server into single combined textures with fixed UUIDs.


For example, the BAKED_HEAD texture (UUID : 5a9f4a74-30f2-821c-b88d-70499d3e7183) is made of the :

  1. the Skin texture

  2. the Tattoos textures (by wearing order)

  3. the Universal textures (by wearing order)

  4. and also the Alpha Mask textures (additive)


The BAKED_UPPER texture (UUID : ae2de45c-d252-50b8-5c6e-19f39ce79317) is made of the :

  1. the Skin texture

  2. the Tattoos textures (by wearing order)

  3. the Universal textures (by wearing order)

  4. the Undershirt  textures (by wearing order)

  5. the Jacket textures (by wearing order)

  6. and also the Alpha Mask textures (additive)


With this new BOM feature, the BAKED textures can now be applied on any Mesh objects like your Mesh Body, Head, Eyes, etc. through their fixed UUIDs.

So with time, it will avoid the need of appliers and of  "onion" avatars...


 ! In order to well see the BOM textures, you need a BOM COMPATIBLE viewer. 


 ! To be seen the Baked Textures should not be hidden by any Alpha ! Be sure to unwear any unneeded Alpha to see the BOM textures.



Bento Mesh Heads (Female & Male)
Cosmetics - Hairbases - Beards - Makeup

Bento Facial Expressions
Facial AO  - Animations

Bento Accessories
HQ Skins & Tattoos Appliers
Ultimate Mesh Eyes

#HDGenX #BoMGenX

Second Life - SL


© 2021 - All right reserved - Gael Streeter


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